Re: Affirmations for bloggers



Nicole’s post on affirmations for bloggers” resonated with me:

Some thoughts on specific sections:

You have things to write about.

I’ve personally helped mitigate this feeling by publishing drafts.

Mitch, Pat, or Isaac if y’all are reading this: hit me up and let’s have a little Do Date and write something. In fact, any one reading this: feel free to /contact me and the offer still stands.

People will read it.

This one is a bit of a trust me, bro” statement. But it’s 100% true.

Even before I got around to adding analytics I would have instances out in the wild e.g. interviews where the other party would bring some reading my blog or some artifact of my digital presence.

You can write on a schedule!

This is the one I’ve struggled with the most.

I’d like to write more. Especially since I’ve been trying to join the #100DaysToOffload club. (Spoiler: I’m absolutely not on track to meet my goal.)

I’ve found that like many things, once you’ve started it’s easier to keep the momentum rolling.

A final thought:

Nicole touches on this in a footnote, but I strongly agree that writing is 1) an underrated and 2) incredibly important skill in technical folk. Obviously, I’m approaching this from the lens of someone who writes code for a living but it’s not limited to software engineers. Being able to communicate well, in written form, is important especially if you (like me) would prefer to work in remote, async environments.

Keep on typin’.

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