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TIL Djot
tl;dr: Dee Jay Over Time.

Weeknotes: An Intention
tl;dr: Notes, weekly(ish?).

#100DaysToOffload 6-Month Retrospective
tl;dr: Hashtag behind schedule but trending upwards.

Re: Affirmations for bloggers
tl;dr: A firm affirmation.

Re: Where Iā€™m at on the whole CSS-Tricks thing
tl;dr: It's CSS-Tricky ā€” Run-SVG

Boosting Frontend Masters (and Their Workshops Are Rad)
tl;dr: Boosting Frontend Masters.

tl;dr: Hashtag 100 Days To Offload, baby.

I Wrote This On My Remarkable 2
tl;dr: Truly remarkable.