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tl;dr: The goodest of puppers.

Patagonia Automagicβ„’
tl;dr: Pat-uh-goo-she.

tl;dr: ~ s Γ¦ g Γ« ~

HOWTO: Maple Cream
tl;dr: It took me 3 tries to heat, cool, & stir Maple syrup.

Pi-hole Revisited
tl;dr: Revisiting my Pi-hole config.

Riding 70 Miles on a Fat Bike
tl;dr: La Flèche Du Nord on a fat bike.

(Java)Scripting Google Drive
tl;dr: How not to write a shell script.

Framed Minnesota LTD Fat Bike
tl;dr: Thoughts on the Framed Minnesota LTD fat tire bike.

From Gulp 3 to Gulp 4
tl;dr: Porting a simple Gulpfile from Gulp 3 to Gulp 4.

Eating the (w)hole pi(e) with Pi-hole
tl;dr: Performance gains & ad-blocking at the DNS-level.

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