2019 Resolutions
Alternatively: what I don’t know & would like to learn in 2019.
I found this article via HackerNews and it resonated with me. There’s a lot I don’t know & I’d like to learn. Everyone has knowledge gaps & I think it’s productive in being forthcoming with that fact.
With that said, here’s a 100% non-exhaustive list of things I don’t know and I’d like to learn (hopefully) in 2019:
- Containers. I’ve used Docker (and Docker Compose) in projects but they’ve either been already set up by someone else, it’s been a tutorial, or it’s been a relatively trivial “hello, world” application. I really like the idea of making environments reproducible, especially for development.
- Webpack. In general, I’ve only used Webpack in a pre-configured way (with the Vue CLI, for example) that didn’t require me to write a config from scratch. If I needed to change something, I could usually solve it with a Google query like “webpack {what I’m trying to do}”. It would be nice to better understand how to use it. I typically prefer code over configuration, which is why I’ve always preferred Gulp to Grunt (I still use Gulp!) and have likely struggled with Webpack.
- GraphQL. I don’t know much but it seems cool.
- CSS Grid. I’ve played around with it and spent a while briefing myself on the documentation and general capabilities but I haven’t been able to really use it on a project that couldn’t be done with Flexbox.
- Firebase/Firestore. I’m comfortable in a SQL or Mongo database but I’ve never really dug into Firebase/Firestore. Seems like they do cool things sort of built-in and the ability to interact with it on the client (browser) seems neat.
- Service Workers. I’m hesitant against putting something as general as PWA since that’s a massive topic. Service workers encompass a relatively narrow area and have some sweet applications (offline functionality comes to mind).
- Go. I’ve heard great things and it seems awesome as a general-purpose language. Plus, you can type
go get
to fetch a package and that’s super sweet.
There’s my non-exhaustive list. Happy New Year and cheers to learning. 🍻🎉
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