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TIL You Can Deeplink to Specific PDF Pages
tl;dr: `#page=<number>`
July 15, 2024

HN Who’s Hiring Historical Stats
tl;dr: Hi(re|ring).
July 12, 2024

ProTip™: Use Bruno with an Existing `.env`
tl;dr: Symlinks are underrated.
July 9, 2024

Dailying Visual Studio Code Insiders
tl;dr: The bleeding edge is bloody sometimes.
July 7, 2024

ProTip™: Nuke a File from Git History
tl;dr: Git ready.
July 1, 2024

TIL VS Code Has a Builtin Web Browser
tl;dr: Talk about browser-in-browser.
March 31, 2024

Sign the PWA Open Letter to Apple
tl;dr: Open web say who?
March 1, 2024

Scraping Minneapolis / St. Paul Restaurant Week
tl;dr: Bone apple teeth.
February 19, 2024

HOWTO: Latest GitHub Release Metadata in Documentation
tl;dr: Semver backwards is revmes.
February 1, 2024

HOWTO: Dark Mode README Logo on GitHub
tl;dr: SVG to the rescue.
July 16, 2023

Versioning Hell
tl;dr: Latest isn't always greatest.
February 19, 2021

Partial Hungarian Notation
tl;dr: I'm partially partial to partial partials.
February 10, 2021

Patagonia Automagic™
tl;dr: Pat-uh-goo-she.
October 29, 2019

(Java)Scripting Google Drive
tl;dr: How not to write a shell script.
May 10, 2019

From Gulp 3 to Gulp 4
tl;dr: Porting a simple Gulpfile from Gulp 3 to Gulp 4.
April 20, 2019

Pseudo-standard Text File Adoption Rates (2019)
tl;dr: How many sites use {robots,humans,security}.txt?
April 10, 2019

Functional Cartesian Products in JavaScript
tl;dr: Creating Cartesian products in JavaScript using functional notation.
April 2, 2019

Cross-site Scripting </script> Vulnerability
tl;dr: A cross-site scripting edge case.
January 24, 2019

2019 Resolutions
tl;dr: What I don't know & would like to learn (hopefully in 2019).
January 1, 2019

Compiling SCSS with Webtask
tl;dr: Compiling SCSS via Webtask.
August 20, 2018

@media Queries & Breakpoints in SCSS
tl;dr: How I like to handle @media queries & breakpoints in SCSS.
July 23, 2018

Optimizing Images
tl;dr: How I handle image optimization, especially for this site.
July 16, 2018

Using an .af TLD with Blot (via Cloudflare)
tl;dr: My experience using an .af TLD with Blot via Cloudflare.
July 13, 2018